Starting in Stray chapter four, you can start collecting energy drink cans to use as currency with the local shop owner, Azooz. The merchant has two big collectibles for sale — a B12 Memory and a piece of Sheet Music for Morusque — and you’ll need to collect four cans throughout The Slums if you want them both.
Note: You’ll spend both chapter four and chapter six in The Slums, and you can collect all of these cans during either chapter. However, you’ll need to spend all of them before you leave The Slums for good in chapter seven.
In this Stray guide, we’ll show you how to find all four Energy Drink Speed 2K cans and their corresponding vending machines.
Energy drink can 1
The first energy drink can is the easiest to find in Stray. From the Guardian that introduces you to The Slums, turn left and follow the path to Morusque, the guitar player. On the right side of the alley, you’ll see two vending machines, one of which has its light on. Interact with the lit-up machine and pick up the Energy Drink Speed 2K can that spits out of it.
Energy drink can 2
The second energy drink can in Stray is all the way at the opening of The Slums. From the Guardian, do a 180 and follow the twisting paths until you reach the dead end that you climbed in from at the end of chapter three.
From the dead end, turn back around. Follow the alley and take the first left turn you come across. You’ll find a lit vending machine. Press the button and grab the Energy Drink Speed 2K can that comes out.
Energy drink can 3
The third energy drink can in Stray is on the rooftops. This time, start from Momo’s apartment (the place the Guardian sends you in the chapter four main story quest). From Momo’s orange sign, ride the bucket down and follow the rooftops right. You’ll find a red vending machine with the light on. Tap the button as usual and grab the Energy Drink Speed 2K can.
Energy drink can 4
The fourth and final can is the trickiest to find. Go back to the dead end where you first entered The Slums at the end of chapter three. Follow the path and go down the winding alleys until you find a robot watching TV. Go to the stairs next to the robot and turn around. Above the robot you’ll see a platform that houses a yellow vending machine. Jump up, hit the button, and grab the Energy Drink Speed 2K.
With all four cans in your possession, you can head to Azooz and purchase B12’s memory (at the cost of three cans), as well as some of Morusque’s Sheet Music (for one can).