Netflix’s 2022 Tudum event gave fans updates on two upcoming projects in the Witcher universe. The third season of The Witcher, starring Henry Cavill as Geralt of Rivia, will arrive in summer 2023. The limited series prequel spinoff The Witcher: Blood Origin, starring the incomparable Michelle Yeoh, will arrive on Netflix Christmas Day.
The poster for the third season of The Witcher shows a broken version of Geralt’s wolf medallion, and also features a small bird in the same style as the medallion.
In the poster for Blood Origin, we see a pair of arms holding weapons, forming an X. Both arms are tattooed with images of animals — the one holding an ax appears to have a wolf tattoo, while the arm with a shorter blade has a bird tattoo.
Season 2 of The Witcher opened with arguably the best episode the show’s ever had, and the long gap between seasons changed some plans and set up both season 3 and Blood Origin. We’ll have to wait a bit longer to see if season 3 can live up to that, but at least we’ll have Blood Origin in the meantime.