Warner Bros. Discovery is developing a new drama series based on New Line’s The Conjuring horror film franchise. The untitled project will come to the company’s streaming service Max, the service currently known as HBO Max that will be rebranded and relaunched in May.
The Conjuring television series will continue the story established in the feature films, Warner Bros. said in a news release. The Conjuring producer Peter Safran — who also serves DC Studios co-chair with James Gunn — will serve as an executive producer on the project. Filmmaker James Wan is said to be in talks to executive produce. Release date and cast for The Conjuring series were not announced.
New Line’s Conjuring franchise spans seven films to date (The Conjuring, Annabelle, The Conjuring 2, Annabelle: Creation, The Nun, Annabelle Comes Home, and The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It) and will continue in a new installment, The Nun 2, this September. The series has grossed more than $2 billion at the box office internationally.
Warner Bros. Discovery’s expansion of The Conjuring to TV is akin to a handful of other projects in development for Max, including the It prequel series Welcome to Derry and The Batman spinoffs The Penguin and Arkham Asylum.