The first episode of Blizzard Entertainment’s Overwatch 2 animated miniseries, Genesis, is now live, focusing on the earliest days of Overwatch — and the people who were ultimately responsible for the Omnic Crisis.
Episode 1 of Genesis, “Dawn,” presents the historical events of the Overwatch universe in documentary form, and offers a bit more backstory on Omnica Corporation scientist Dr. Mina Liao, the creator of Echo. Liao is presented as a robotics prodigy and representative of humanity’s arrogance in the world of Overwatch. Not content with just making Omnic servants who performed menial, subservient tasks, Omnica Corp wanted to “reach for the stars” to “push the limits of […] perfection.” The result was the all-out war between robots and humans, which players have experienced in Overwatch PvE events against Omnic forces.
Mina Liao would go on to co-found Overwatch — and battle her own creations — alongside Jack Morrison (Soldier: 76), Gabriel Reyes (Reaper), Ana Amari, Reinhardt Wilhelm, and Torbjörn Lindholm. In the Overwatch games, Liao is dead, having been killed in an attack on her laboratory, so don’t expect her to show up in game — she lives on, in some sense, in Echo.
But the Genesis animated series may tease details about Overwatch 2’s next hero, due sometime in August, given the first episode’s title, “Dawn.” The 38th hero to join the Overwatch roster appears to have powers drawn from the sun, an aspect that game director Aaron Keller recently teased in an update titled, in part, “The Dawn of a New Hero.”