Great Fairy Fountains are key in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom: They’re the go-to method for enhancing armor pieces — as long as you have the necessary materials and rupees to pay the upgrade fee, that is.
Finding all Great Fairy Fountain locations, which we’ve listed below, in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is a straightforward ordeal, but there are multiple extra steps involved in order to actually interact with the Great Fairies themselves. Prepare to take on side quests, travel around each corner of Hyrule, and get the members of a legendary music troupe back together.
How Great Fairy Fountains work in Zelda: TOTK
There are a total of four Great Fairy Fountains across Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, and each is found close to a stable. After you interact with your first fairy, she will mark the location of the remaining three on your map. But in the meantime, you’ll need to manually head over to one of the four spots to kickstart the search.
Keep in mind that you’ll have access to upgrades as soon as you help at least one of the Great Fairies. Each eligible piece of armor has its own necessary materials and a rupee fee.
That said, if you want to enhance your armor even further, you’ll need access to the subsequent fairies. As such, the possible enhancement levels at your disposal increase with each fairy until you’ve uncovered all four of them.
For a breakdown of how the mechanic works, we explain how to upgrade armor on a dedicated page.
All Great Fairy Fountain locations in Zelda: TOTK
To help, what follows is a list of all Great Fairy Fountain locations and their regions at a glance:
- Great Fairy Tera (northeast of the Castle Ruins)
- Great Fairy Kaysa (southwest of Lookout Landing)
- Great Fairy Cotera (northwest of East Necluda)
- Great Fairy Mija (northeast of Rito Village)
In order to access the Great Fairy Fountains, you’ll first need to complete the associated side quest involving The Stable Trotters, a musical troupe whose members are currently missing across the map. Once you do, you’ll be able to interact with the Great Fairy and upgrade your armor.
The first two members of the musical troupe can be found in the Woodland Stable in Eldin Canyon at the coordinates (1046, 1145, 0022), to the west of Pico Pond and northeast of Crenel Hills.
The duo say they’ll only tell the story of what happened to them to the Lucky Clover Gazette, so the next step is tracking down the newspaper’s headquarters.
The Lucky Clover Gazette is located at what once was the Rito Stable (in Breath of the Wild), east of Rito Village at the coordinates (-3251, 1772, 0118). If this is your first time visiting them, chat with Traysi and Penn inside.
After a briefing with Traysi and Penn, you’ll kickstart the “Potential Princess Sightings!” side adventure, which involves visiting most of the stables in Hyrule. Return to Woodland Stable to continue.
Great Fairy Tera ‘violin’ walkthrough (‘Serenade to a Great Fairy’ quest)
Upon your arrival at the Woodland Stable, Penn will be near the musical troupe — who at this point consist of just a conductor and a violinist — so begin the conversation with all three of them. This will give you access to “Serenade to a Great Fairy” side adventure, in which you need to fix the troupe’s carriage.
Thankfully, there are some spare wheels next to carriage, which you can attach together using Ultrahand. Then, the troupe will ask for a horse to take the carriage. If you haven’t registered a horse yet, there are groups of them galloping around the area. Then, you’ll need a harness for the horse. For this, you’ll need three Pony Points, which is a reward-based currency related to stables.
To get your first Pony Point, speak to any character at a stable counter. This will unlock access to Pony Points and provide you with a membership card and your first point for free. Registering a horse and lodging in a stable rewards you with one point each, which will give you enough points for the Towing Harness.
Then, talk to the person at the counter and ask to take your registered horse out. When prompted, choose to customize the horse and select the harness. After that, all you need to do is take the horse near the carriage, and use Ultrahand to attach the harness to it.
Next, hop on your horse and take the musical troupe up the hill to the left to the Great Fairy, identified as a giant multicolored flower bulb. There aren’t any major obstacles along the way, so just enjoy the ride. (Bear in mind that if the carriage flips for any reason, you’ll have to restart the sequence from the stable.)
Once you bring the troupe to the Great Fairy, the stable trotters will serenade Tera with a violin. The “Serenade to a Great Fairy” side adventure will be all set, and you’re free to continue with “Potential Princess Sightings!” at any time. That is all for the Great Fairy Tera!
Great Fairy Mija ‘horn’ walkthrough (‘Serenade to Mija’ quest)
You can find the Great Fairy Fountain of Mija at the Snowfield Stable in the Tabantha Tundra, east of the Hebra Mountains.
Once you arrive, you’ll see the musical troupe once more. They’re looking for their missing horn player Eustus. This kickstarts the “Serenade to Mija” side adventure. Marking the quest on your Adventure Log will lead you straight to Eustus, who is stranded in the Tabantha Frontier, as he’s fallen into a hole along with his wagon.
After you talk to him, you’ll begin “The Hornist’s Dramatic Escape” side adventure. Basically, you need to use Ultrahand to combine the materials around the hole so you can lift the wagon with Eustus on it. This side adventure is a bit more involved than most of the other ones related to the Great Fairies; if you’re stuck, our guide to “The Hornist’s Dramatic Escape” quest can help you out.
Once he’s outside the hole, Eustus will return to the troupe on his own. Before doing so, you’ll obtain three things of courser bee honey. (A tip here: Keep the courser bee honey on-hand to save you a step in Great Fairy Cotera’s quest.) You can now return to Snowfield Stable at your convenience.
It’s time to take the musical troupe to the Great Fairy Mija. For this, you’ll have to use your horse and a harness in order to move the carriage again. The problem is that it lacks a roof to protect the group from the snow — thankfully, you can grab any square-shaped material from around the stable with Ultrahand and place it on top.
Now, the path to the Great Fairy Mija is fairly straightforward — that said, make sure you’re approaching the hill from the left side, as there is a path that takes you directly to the Great Fairy Fountain. Otherwise, going through the rocks will likely flip the carriage, and you’ll have to start over.
Once the musical troupe is close to Mija, a cutscene will roll out, and you’ll obtain 100 rupees for your troubles. That is all for the “Serenade to Mija” side adventure, and the Great Fairy Mija!
Great Fairy Cotera ‘drum’ walkthrough (‘Serenade to Cotera’ quest)
You can find the Great Fairy Fountain of Cotera at the Dueling Peaks Stable southeast of West Necluda at the coordinates (1757, -1957, 0010), south of Kakariko Village.
Once you arrive, you’ll see the musical troupe once more. They’re looking for their missing drummer Beetz. This kickstarts the “Serenade to Cotera” side adventure. Selecting this quest in your Adventure Log will lead you straight to Beetz. He’s stranded southeast of Kakariko Village, to the right side of the main road that leads to the village and near the water arm of Lake Siela.
Beetz will ask for courser bee honey to make honey crepes. If you kept the ones that Eustus gave you during his quest, Beetz will mention that he senses you already have some, and you can skip the next step. If not, he says that there are some bee hives around the chasm next to Kakariko Village. This kickstarts the “Honey, Bee Mine” side adventure.
If you look at the map, you’ll see a forest surrounding a chasm south of East Hill and west of Pierre Plateau. Follow the main road in that direction to find the bees. Once there, you’ll see the hives hanging from trees. You can get them down safely using ice — either by Fusing white Chuchu jelly with an arrow or just throwing the jelly. If worst comes to worst and you find yourself swarmed by bees, you can just swat at them until they leave you alone.
Once you have three courser bee honey, return to Beetz to finish “Honey, Bee Mine,” receiving 100 rupees as a reward. From here, go ahead and return to the Dueling Peaks Stable for the next steps.
The musical troupe will then mention that they need to cross the river, and insist that they can do it themselves. Reader, they can’t. Head over to the river and talk to Mastro. You’ll need to create a boat that can support the wagon with all four members on it. Don’t worry, it’s not as hard as it sounds. Here’s what worked for me:
- There is both a construction post and some leftover Zonai devices to the side of the river, near the broken bridge.
- With the help of Ultrahand, I grabbed two flat boards, and pieced them together.
- On one end, I placed a lever which, again, was near the river.
- On the other end, I grabbed the wagon with Ultrahand and glued it so it wouldn’t move.
- Then, I attached a fan to the back of the wagon.
- There is also a battery that you can place anywhere on the boat so you can rest easy that you’ll make it to the other end. Honestly, it’s a fairly short trip, so I wouldn’t worry either way.
- Once ready, I gently moved everything so it would float on the water, as it wouldn’t move if placed too close to the shore.
- All that’s left is for you to hop on it, grab the lever, and drive the troupe to the Great Fairy Cotera on the other side of the river.
You’ll receive another 100 rupees for your troubles completing “Serenade to Cotera,” as well as access to the Great Fairy Cotera.
Great Fairy Kaysa ‘flute’ walkthrough (‘Serenade to Kaysa’ quest)
You can find the Great Fairy Fountain of Kaysa at the Outskirt Stable southwest of Hyrule Field at the coordinates (1404, -1266, 0032).
Once you arrive, you’ll see the musical troupe once more. They’re looking for their missing flute player Pyper. This kickstarts the “Serenade to Kaysa” side adventure.
You can select the quest in your Adventure Log to be lead straight to Pyper, who is southeast of Lake Hylia Pyper isn’t at the stable, but rather on top of a tree past the construction post. You’ll recognize the spot by the sound of their flute playing and a big burned patch of grass in front of the tree. (Pyper will explain what happened there.)
Talking to Pyper will kickstart “The Flute Player’s Plan” side adventure, in which you’ll have to bring Pyper 10 sunset fireflies to make a tree glow. (Kids these days…) If you don’t happen to have them on you — as was the case for me — Pyper recommends heading over to the forest regions up north: Finra Woods and Pagos Woods. Since they’re fireflies, make sure you go there at night — anytime after midnight should do it. If you want to pass the time quickly, rest at the stable.
In order to catch fireflies, it’s a matter of patience — make sure you’re crouched, then slowly make your way toward the green floating lights.
Keep your finger on the A button at the ready, and once the prompt appears, snap them. While I was doing this, I saw a traveling merchant who had a few fireflies up for sale at 10 rupees a pop. Back inside the stable, Beedle also sold a few. But if you want to save rupees, catching them yourself in Pagos Woods is the safest bet. (The Faron and Finra Woods also have sunset fireflies.)
Once you have the 10 fireflies, return to Pyper. He will ask you to bring Haite, the little girl in the stable, back to him while it’s still dark. She was sleeping when I first went there, so I rented a bed at the stable and asked to be awakened at night. She was up that time, so all I had to do was talk and say, “Hi! Follow me, please!” to continue the quest. You can also continue exploring elsewhere and return any other night, of course.
Taking Haite to the tree will trigger a cutscene, which will wrap up “The Flute Player’s Plan” side adventure and give you a Big Hearty Truffle as a reward. When ready, return to Outskirt Stable where the rest of the troupe is waiting.
Reunited at last, The Stable Trotters need your help getting to a Great Fairy one last time. The path is nearby, but it’s blocked by a ton of rocks that you can’t remove with Ultrahand. Thankfully, there is an almost finished cart that you can use, which is composed of a massive square of concrete and three Zonai wheels. There is a fourth well nearby that you can use to complete it, as well as a lever to drive it.
Similarly to the steps of “Serenade to Cotera,” grab the troupe’s wagon and glue it to the “car” with Ultrahand. Then tell Mastro, “Get in, I’ll handle it,” and the group will jump aboard. Now, thanks to the wheels, you’ll be able to go over the rocks. Try to approach the road in a straight line so the wheels don’t get stuck to the sides, otherwise you’ll have to redo it.
Once near the fountain, the troupe will play one last song for the Great Fairy Kaysa. You’ll obtain 100 more rupees, and the eternal thanks of the band. That’s the end of the “Serenade to Kaysa” side adventure!