The Halo TV show has always held the video game series’ lore at arm’s length. From its early announcement of the “Silver Timeline” (an entirely s...

The Halo TV show has always held the video game series’ lore at arm’s length. From its early announcement of the “Silver Timeline” (an entirely s...
James Baldwin is, to put it mildly, foundational. Oft-quoted and adapted across media, Baldwin’s work still forms the spine of our modern underst...
In the rollout for Netflix’s Avatar: The Last Airbender, fans got a bit up in arms. This isn’t unheard of for the ATLA fandom, having already see...
Ever since the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows movies were announced, two-part films have been a scourge on blockbuster cinema. At their bes...
It’s been years since the Borderlands movie was first announced, and for most of that time, it felt like the film might never come out. But now, ...
We are now in the doldrums of February; it’s still kinda chilly, the days aren’t quite long enough yet, and the Valentine’s candy sales are down ...
So what is True Detective, really? Before this year, it felt like a collection of aesthetic trappings. Two cops played by prominent actors. A cri...
Despite the name, True Detective has really never been about tying up every loose end to a mystery. Sure, the detectives at the heart do their da...
I feel a little guilty about the way I rewatch Avatar: The Last Airbender. I count the show among my favorite television series ever. Even as an ...
Much like the mystical religions spread by its Bene Gesserit, the influences of Dune spread to every corner of the universe of science fiction. I...