In July, HBO Max and Cartoon Network announced they would be adapting the fantasy graphic novel series Iyanu: Child of Wonder as a 2D animated se...
Category: Entertainment
The latest video game franchise to get the blockbuster treatment is none other than Pac-Man. That’s right! The hungry yellow circle is getting a ...
One of the big releases currently in theaters is the Brad Pitt-led Bullet Train. This adrenaline-fueled slice of cinematic absurdity about a spee...
Crunchyroll will soon be the streaming home of Akira, Your Name, and a host of other anime movies, which will be available on the streaming servi...
DC League of Super-Pets might be DC’s most unexpected number one box office hit yet. Based on some of the publisher’s deepest-cut creations, the ...
There’s a lot to enjoy in Netflix’s The Sandman series. The show is good! The comic is great! It’s rich with meaty allusions ripe for discovery. ...
One of the more difficult things to keep track of when watching The Sandman is Dream himself. Not necessarily where he is; that’s easy enough. Wh...
This week, Netflix’s adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman makes its debut. It’s been a long, long road for the adaptation of the legendary com...
As all the lead-up press explained, the Pixar movie Lightyear follows the “real” Buzz Lightyear — meaning a movie version of the character who in...
Though it’s at best his second most defining feature, The Sandman’s Corinthian has an undeniable style. Dressed in creamy whites, sporting pale h...