The ridiculous yet delightful National Treasure franchise had been mostly dormant since 2007, waiting for the stars to align and reunite producer...
Category: Entertainment
On Tuesday, Netflix told investors that it had lost almost 1 million subscribers in the second quarter of the year, and would be hastening plans ...
No need to wait for a full moon — Paramount Plus just shared the first trailer for its Teen Wolf movie. Cast members from the original TV show, i...
Buffy’s trading vampires for werewolves, with Sarah Michelle Gellar joining the Teen Wolf universe in previously announced spinoff series, Wolf P...
The highly-anticipated Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves trailer is finally here after debuting at San Diego Comic-Con and, after years...
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves is a D&D movie made for a post-Critical Role world, and the cast knows it. At the Honor Among Thi...
SDCC 2022 is finally here! San Diego Comic-Con runs from July 21 to 24 this year, and Polygon will be covering the event both on site and remotel...
Since she debuted in 2014, Kamala Khan has been explicitly Muslim, and one who incorporates Islam into her heroism. Right after she underwent Ter...
Disney is bringing a trio of R-rated Marvel superhero movies to Disney Plus. At San Diego Comic-Con, the company announced that Deadpool, Deadpoo...
Detroit: Become Human is a game with an intriguing premise — what does a world where robots are on the cusp of their own social justice movement ...