Consider the following story. An alien child comes to Earth in a rocket ship from a distant planet. Growing to manhood, he soon finds that he pos...
Category: Entertainment
In Thor: Love and Thunder, the heroes go up against a new villain: the vengeance-minded supernatural assassin Gorr the God Butcher (Christian Bal...
One of the more surprising things about Thor: Love and Thunder is how (seemingly) self-contained it is. There’s always a chance that a later MCU ...
This week has a ton of new movies available for you to watch at home, including a half-dozen Netflix originals, new Shudder and Mubi movies, and ...
Love is everywhere in the world of Yurei Deco, the latest anime from celebrated Japanese animation studio Science Saru — or at least that’s what ...
George R.R. Martin has offered his latest update on the next entry in his A Song of Ice and Fire series, The Winds of Winter. The latest news com...
In 2018, Marvel Comics published “Death of the Mighty Thor,” a seven-issue arc that brought an end to Jane Foster’s tenure as the Goddess of Thun...
Amazon Prime Video’s The Boys wrapped up its third season on July 8 with typical bluster, bombast, and gore. Prime Video actually released the fi...
Netflix’s upcoming Korean action movie Carter, which lands on the platform Aug. 5, has a new trailer and in brief: It rules. Starring Joo Won (Br...
In the early days of feature-length computer animation, there was an unofficial list of objects and textures that were notoriously difficult to m...