The second season of Vinland Saga is nearly upon us. Following the announcement and teaser trailer released last summer, anime production company...
Category: Entertainment
Marvel Studios’ Ms. Marvel has made her spectacular debut on Disney Plus, with Iman Vellani as Kamala Khan. Kamala has been one of the brightest ...
The Clown Prince of Crime is coming back for another solo movie. Joker writer and director, Todd Phillips posted a photo on Instagram of a script...
A new clip for Jordan Peele, Keegan-Michael Key, and Henry Selick’s latest film definitely feels like a Selick project. The famed stop-motion dir...
Netflix showed off a trailer for The School for Good and Evil, the upcoming fantasy film by director Paul Feig (Bridesmaids, Ghostbusters), durin...
David Koepp is high on the list of “writers whose work you definitely know, even if you don’t remember their names.” Koepp’s name is all over mod...
Eiichiro Oda, the creator behind the long-running manga One Piece, announced that he would be taking a month-long break following the conclusion ...
Following the death of Berserk author Kentaro Miura last year, fans of the series worldwide mourned not only the passing of one of the most influ...
David Cronenberg’s name is synonymous with body horror. There were examples of it in cinema prior to his arrival, like the Val Lewton picture Cat...
Jamie Foxx is a dad, with a job and a passion. His job: cleaning pools. His passion: killing vampires. That’s the premise for Netflix’s upcoming ...