In 1972, early into his tenure at Sesame Street, Norman Stiles thought up a pun. The former Merv Griffin comedy writer had spent his first year p...
Category: Entertainment
Even vampires deserve treats. One of the many sacrifices that people make in exchange for eternal life in vampire lore is flavor. They can only e...
Whether it’s the surprisingly frequent Evanescence covers on TikTok, the return of ’90s staple JNCO jeans, or the fact that Netflix’s hit show Be...
Scott Pilgrim isn’t getting any older. That’s really his problem, when you get right down to it. In 2010, the year the character made his big-scr...
Browsing Best Buy’s list of deals on 4K Blu-rays quickly became detrimental to my productivity today, as there are just so many options that I wa...
The Marvel Cinematic Universe can’t escape the quippy protagonist. Throw a stone at any of the series’ 33 movies and you’re bound to hit a sarcas...
With a new Hunger Games movie on the way, many fans across social media hope that it ignites a full-on Hunger Games renaissance. After all, earli...
The winter holiday season seems to start earlier and earlier every year. The moment Halloween is over, holly springs up, lights adorn houses, and...
We’re just shy of a month away from the streaming debut of Rebel Moon, the epic space opera from Zach Snyder born from the ashes of a failed Star...
Stories, especially beloved stories, have a tendency to bleed past their borders and escape their original bodies. Bram Stoker’s Dracula is among...