The “Cursed Tomb Treasure” quest in Hogwarts Legacy revolves around a clue leading to a long-forgotten item. Starting in the Manor Cape region, i...
Category: Playstation
“Oligarch” is the ninth mission in Modern Warfare 3. Several of the main campaign missions have collectible items and weapons to find. This gear ...
PlayStation Store contains an abundance of unique and independent games. And it’s these delectable gems that are the focus of a new PlayStation I...
The Ritualist is a secret archetype in Remnant 2, and comes as part of The Awakened King DLC. Much like the game’s other secret archetypes, you w...
Repairing a tire is one of many objectives you need to complete in Modern Warfare 3’s Zombies mode as part of the Road Rage Tier 1 mission. While...
Mercenary Convoys are random events that can appear in Urzikstan, the giant map that Modern Warfare 3’s Zombies mode takes place in. You’ll need ...
The launch of the Access controller for PS5 is around the corner on December 6. Today, we’re excited to go behind the scenes with some accessibil...
Here comes another exciting shopping season, with PlayStation’s Black Friday promotions happening this month. There are a variety of deals on gam...
Hi, PlayStation Blog readers. The Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora team has been working hard to leverage the PlayStation 5’s unique features to make...
Today, we’re happy to reveal two fighters joining Tekken 8’s roster: Reina, who employs an acrobatic fighting style rooted in Taido, and Victor C...