The weekly Exotic item merchant, Xur, hangs out in random locations around the world of Destiny. In Destiny 2, he can appear all over the map, as well as inside the Tower. This week, you can find Xur in the EDZ, hanging out on a big bluff next to the Fallen Ketch in the Winding Cove.
Xur’s inventory this week consists of the following:
- The Queenbreaker, Arc linear fusion rifle: 29 Legendary Shards
- Wormhusk Crown, Hunter helmet: 23 Legendary Shards
- Stronghold, Titan gauntlets: 23 Legendary Shards
- Felwinter’s Helm, Warlock helmet: 23 Legendary Shards
- Exotic Engram: 97 Legendary Shards (you can now purchase a second with an Exotic Cipher)
- Exotic Cipher quest: free
As of Season of the Risen and The Witch Queen, Xur sells a random roll of both Hawkmoon and Dead Man’s Tale each week.
Here’s what he’s selling this weekend:
- Hawkmoon, Kinetic hand cannon (Eye of the Storm): 125,000 Glimmer, 200 Legendary Shards, Exotic Cipher, Ascendant Shard
- Dead Man’s Tale, Kinetic scout rifle (Snapshot Sights): 125,000 Glimmer, 200 Legendary Shards, Exotic Cipher, Ascendant Shard
As of Season of the Lost, Xur also sells a collection of old armor and weapons — similar to Banshee-44 and Ada-1. Usually, these items are difficult to find and from seasons long past. Each item (whether armor or weapon) costs only 1,000 Glimmer and 50 Legendary Shards.
Xur’s Legendary inventory this week consists of the following:
- Enigma’s Draw, Kinetic sidearm
- Seventh Seraph Carbine, Kinetic auto rifle
- Extraordinary Rendition, Kinetic submachine gun
- Sorrow’s Verse, Arc auto rifle
- Deafening Whisper, Void grenade launcher
- Temptation’s Hook, Void sword
- Bite of the Fox, Kinetic sniper rifle
- Invader Gambit armor set
Xur’s items drop at a power level similar to that of your character.
The Queenbreaker
The Queenbreaker is an Exotic from Destiny 2: Forsaken, and is a remake of the Queenbreaker’s Bow Exotic from the original Destiny. It’s an Arc linear fusion rifle with a choice between two kinds of zooms. The Marksman Sights increase Charge Time, zoom, and damage; the Combat Sights reduce Charge Time and increase Handling. The Exotic perk is Wire Rifling, which causes the bolts from the gun to blind targets.
The Queenbreaker used to be very powerful in the PvP environment. But over the years, it’s fallen in favor to weapons like Lorentz Driver. Still, you should pick up The Queenbreaker if you don’t have it yet, as you never know when it’ll come back into style.
Wormhusk Crown
Wormhusk Crown is one of the campaign Exotics from Warmind, so you may already have a good roll from 2018. But with the Warmind campaign gone, the easiest way to get a new roll is to buy it from Xur this week. The Exotic perk is Burning Souls, which heals you after dodging.
This is a very powerful helmet in the Crucible. If you’re a PvP player, you should pick this up.
Xur’s roll this week comes with 63 total stats.
These gauntlets have the Exotic perk Clenched Fist, where your sword gets maximum guard stats while you use it. Well-timed guards that block damage also heal the Titan. Swords have been good for a few seasons now, which makes these arms quiet desirable.
Xur’s roll this week comes with 66 total stats.
Felwinter’s Helm
Felwinter’s Helm is a Warlock Exotic from Season of the Worthy. Its Exotic perk is Warlord’s End. This perk causes elemental kills to explode, weakening nearby enemies caught in the blast. Killing a powerful enemy or using a finisher increases the potency. This is an interesting Exotic, and worth keeping in your Warlock’s arsenal. It also looks really cool.
Xur’s roll this week comes with 62 total stats.
Exotic Cipher quest
Starting in Beyond Light, Xur has a new quest for an Exotic Cipher. The Exotic Cipher lets you buy old Exotics from the Monuments to Lost Light kiosk in the tower. You’ll need these items and some other currencies to pick up Exotics like Heir Apparent and Truth.
This week, Xur wants you to complete 21 Strikes or win Crucible or Gambit matches. By finishing the quest, you’ll earn an Exotic Cipher to use however you want.