“Reap from the Ruins” is an Enigma in the Wilderness region in Assassin’s Creed Mirage. Enigmas are two-part puzzles scattered around Baghdad. The first part requires finding a collectible — a cryptic message or drawing — that leads you to the second part — a treasure, like a dye or a talisman.
Our Assassin’s Creed Mirage Reap from the Ruins Enigma guide will tell you where to find the Wilderness district’s Reap from the Ruins clue and then where to find the treasure.
Reap from the Ruins Enigma solution and treasure location
The Reap from the Ruins Enigma is located in Jarjaraya, the village to the southeast of Baghdad. Solving it rewards you with the Eldritch Talisman.
Reap from the Ruins Enigma location
From the viewpoint in Jarjaraya, head to the large house to the west. There’s an open doorway on a second floor balcony you can duck into. You’ll find the Reap from the Ruins Enigma clue on the floor next to a man who is probably asleep.
Reap from the Ruins Enigma solution and treasure location
The ruins in the drawing are located all the way to the southeast on the map where you’ll find what’s left of Seleucia-on-the-Tigris. There’s no viewpoint out there, so you’ll have to take your mount.
When you get to the ruins, head through them and farther to the east to find the tree shown in the clue. You’ll find the Eldritch Talisman just to the north of the tree’s base. (There’s also a decidedly Lovecraftian note by the entrance to the ruins, which is fitting since the description of the talisman mentions the original name for the Necronomicon.)
For more Assassin’s Creed Mirage collectibles, consult our guides on finding Mysterious Shards, Gear Chests, Enigmas, and Lost Books. You can also take note of how long it takes to complete everything in Assassin’s Creed Mirage.