Gear Chests are your ticket to better gear and stronger weapons in Assassin’s Creed Mirage. These collectible chests are tucked away in every district of Baghdad, usually in restricted areas, and they contain upgrade schematics and new gear. It’s worth braving the dangers to grab these, though some are trickier than others.
This in-progress guide points out where to find Gear Chests and Gear Chest locations in Assassin’s Creed Mirage — broken up by the various districts of Baghdad — how to actually reach each Gear Chest, and what rewards you get from opening each Gear Chest.
Note: In Polygon’s testing, the rewards from each Gear Chest have differed slightly among those of us playing. In this guide, I’ve noted what was in each Gear Chest for me — you may end up with a different reward.
Harbiyah Gear Chest locations and solutions
Harbiyah has six Gear Chests, including one in a prison and another nestled inside the prince’s palace.
How to get the Damascus Gate Prison Gear Chest
This Gear Chest is likely the first you’ll encounter in Baghdad. It’s just under the small bridge connecting the road to the prison gate, and while it seems at first glance that you have to approach it from behind, the solution is much more straightforward.
Face the prison, and head left. Use Basim’s eagle vision to check for guards, and climb over the wall. You’ll need to quietly deal with the guard on the upper walk and take care of the two on the lower path as well, though it likely won’t be as quiet for those two.
Approach the gate, aim a throwing knife through the hole, and target the door bar clamp on the opposite end of the room.
Climb back out onto the street, hop over the wall on the right side, dodge or defeat guards in your way, and grab the chest. This one contains an upgrade schematic for the Zanj Uprising sword.
How to get the Upper Harbor Gear Chest
This Gear Chest takes much less finesse to grab than some of the others. Approach the ship from the side that faces away from the harbor, and climb aboard — ideally in a spot with no guards around.
The chest is in the rear cabin, behind some stacks of junk that you can push around. Create a space by pushing the middle crate forward, and grab the chest on your left. It contains an upgrade schematic for the Zanj Uprising outfit.
How to get the Khurasan Guardhouse Gear Chest
You need to take a slightly roundabout approach to get to this one. Approach the guardhouse from here, and use the lift to rocket onto the roof. There are quite a few guards here, though, so you might have to do some fighting.
The gear chest is at the other end behind some movable crates.
This chest contains the Zanj Uprising outfit.
How to get the Prince’s Palace Gear Chest
Approach the Prince’s Palace from the side, and climb into the gardens via the latticed pavilion.
Sneak past the guard, defeat or baffle the ones in the courtyard, and head through the doorway on your left.
The chest is inside and contains an upgrade schematic for the Zanj Uprising outfit.
How to get the Soap Boiler’s District Gear Chest
This Gear Chest seems a bit confusing at first glance, but the approach is surprisingly simple. Head to the building in the center of the district, and use a throwing knife to destroy the straw floor.
You can climb up from there and grab the chest, which contains an upgrade schematic for the Zanj Sword.
How to get the Metal Factory Gear Chest
This gear chest is just south of the map marker for the Metal Factory. Stand on the platform on the building’s southeastern side, and aim a dagger at the door bar through the broken window. Head back around to the door, and grab your prize inside.
Abbasiyah Gear Chest Locations
Abbasiyah has six gear chests, though some of these are tougher to get than the ones in Harbiyah — fitting, since Abbasiyah is a higher-level area.
How to get the Scriptorium Gear Chest
Finally, a straightforward Gear Chest! Enter the Scriptorium compound, and use the lift to reach the roof. Travel along the stonework at the back, and hop down to this ledge.
Enter the window, and find a Gear Chest inside containing the Abbasid Knight Sword.
How to get the House of Wisdom Gear Chest
You get to play with fire a bit for this one, albeit indirectly. Climb to the top of the House of Wisdom, and use the lift to reach the back tower. Find this window in the back of the room where the chest is, and throw a knife at the brazier hinge.
The bowl falls, igniting the oil jars underneath and unbarring the door in the tower’s lobby. But next, you’ll need to find a key. It’s on this librarian, hanging out on the northeast wall of the House of Wisdom:
Head back to the tower. Once you unlock the door, climb up to the second floor to find the Gear Chest. You’ll find an upgrade schematic for the Abbasid Knight Sword inside.
How to get the Scholar’s Estate Gear Chest
Getting the Scholar’s Estate chest is different than many other Gear Chests: It’s locked! Enter the compound from the northwest side, and use the grass and plants for cover. Deal with the guards quietly to make life easier, and enter the building in front of you via the upstairs window, which you can break.
You’ll find the chest — and it’s locked. A note inside says the key is in the storage room, so unbar the door on the lower floor, and enter the training yard again. To your right is another building, near where the guards were practicing on combat dummies. Climb the ladder, head inside, and grab the key.
This Gear Chest contains an upgrade schematic for the Abbasid Knight Sword.
How to get the Hammam Gear Chest
This chest requires a bit of vandalism. It’s behind a breakable wall on the southwest side of the Hammam. Use an oil jar to destroy it, and grab the Zanj Uprising Dagger from inside.
How to get the Four Markets gear chest
No guards await you here — just a wall of breakable stone and a missing key for the house next door. I couldn’t find it, so I grabbed an extra oil jar from the Hammam due south (there are explosive jars inside the bathhouse) and lugged it the 200-odd meters back to the building.
When you get inside, you’ll need to move a bookshelf on the right wall to the center of the room, then scale it to climb through a hole in the ceiling to reach the upper floor.
You’ll find a Gear Chest with the an Abbasid Knight Dagger upgrade schematic inside.
Karkh Gear Chest Locations
Karkh is home to six Gear Chests, including one in the Grand Bazaar and some more heavily guarded locations. (Note: The rewards for these chests are in-progress.)
How to get the Great Garrison Gear Chest
The Great Garrison is one of the more dangerous places to infiltrate, thanks to the overwhelming number of soldiers inside. Enter via a hole in the stone wall on the garrison’s south side, and crouch-walk through the grass to maintain cover. Lure guards over or slip past them, and make your way around the yard’s perimeter.
Climb the ladder, and work your way along the wall to the north, assassinating guards as you come across them. Walk across the rope stretched in front of the garrison entrance, assassinate guards in your way, and turn left.
Enter the small tower, move the bookshelf, and crouch-walk into the next room. Lure the armored guard over with a whistle to deal with him quickly — or just loot the chest and run. I encountered a glitch where the guard wouldn’t react to the whistle, so a grab-and-run might be your best bet.
I found an upgrade schematic for the Abbasid Knight Outfit in this one.
How to get the Officer’s Club Gear Chest
Getting the Officer’s Club chest is refreshingly straightforward. The very fast way is just dashing up the front steps and grabbing the chest before someone kills you, as it’s tucked in an alcove at the top of the entryway stairs.
There’s a stealthy way as well. Enter the club by climbing up the wall to the north of the main entrance, and sneak through the courtyard.
Use the red powder bags to quickly deal with groups of guards, and make your way around to the front to grab the chest. I ended up with an Abbasid Knight Dagger upgrade schematic from this chest.
How to get the Tax Mansion Gear Chest
Enter the tax mansion by climbing the western wall and dropping into the courtyard.
Hide in the shrubbery and lure guards in for assassinations, and do the same for the armored guard holding a key.
Turn your attention to the main tower on the western side next. Climb up the balcony, unlock the door, and empty the chest inside. This one contained an upgrade schematic for the Abbasid Knight Outfit for me.
How to get the Monastery of the Virgins Gear Chest
The Monastery of the Virgins chest is refreshingly straightforward. Clamber over the walls, and enter the courtyard. Use the shrubbery for cover if you need to, and approach the northern end.
Deal with the guard inside, move the bookcase, and loot the chest. I found the Abbasid Knight Outfit here.
How to get the Grand Bazaar Gear Chest
Normally, you can’t access the Grand Bazaar Gear Chest until the “Gilded Butterflies” mission, when the guards let you inside while you wait for the Treasurer. However, there’s a handy glitch that treats the latticework as if it has a hole in it, allowing you to break the door bar with a precise dagger throw.
Approach the walkway opposite the room with the Gear Chest, and aim your dagger until you see the red reticule indicating you’ve found a target. Use your eagle vision to get a better view of where the bar is if you need to. Throw the dagger, cross the gap, and enter the door. The chest is to your right and contains an upgrade schematic for the Abbasid Knight Dagger.
How to get the Qasr Salih Gear Chest
This one is a bit trickier to reach than other Gear Chests, thanks to the number of guards in the way. The enclosure has spiked bars around most of it, except one spot on the eastern end. Climb up the building, and hop across through the gap in the stonework.
There are very few places to hide on the stone walls. Plan your next movements carefully.
Climb the ladder, and deal with the guard in front of you. Stay out of sight so the armored guard won’t spot you, or lure him over to remove the threat completely.
Turn left, and use the signboard for cover until the next guard turns his back. Use the lift to reach the next level, and stay hidden in the flowers while you deal with the guards.
Climb the walls, deal with the guard by the oil pots, and grab one of the pots.
Clamber up the crates, drop the oil jar on the crumbling stone, and climb down to grab the chest and quite a bit of additional loot. I got the Abbasid Knight Dagger from this one.
Round City Gear Chest Locations
The Round City only has three Gear Chests, and two of them are tucked away in high-secuirty areas.
How to get the Shurta Headquarters Gear Chest
The Shurta Headquarters building is just east of the Palace of the Green Dome’s outer walls, and spikes cover nearly every inch of the roof. Enter from the west, avoiding detection or dealing with guards as you see fit, and climb up the wall. There’s a gap in spikes on the northwestern side. Hop up, and quietly deal with any guards in your way.
Hide behind the stone fixture, and whistle to lure nearby guards over. Creep up behind the armored guard for an assassination kill, and loot the chest before making a stealthy escape. This one coughed up the Hidden One outfit.
How to get the Mazalim Courts Gear Chest
The Mazalim Courts are north of the Palace of the Green Dome and have quite a few more guards milling about. Enter from the west side, and approach the courtyard. Use stealth to defeat the guards, and then when you approach the courtyard, break cover to draw enemies toward you.
Destroy the sack with red powder to create a smoke cloud, or use smoke grenades, if you have them. You can perform one-hit assassinations on anyone caught in the smoke cloud.
Once this is all taken care of, climb up the central building. Bust the breakable window, drop inside, and loot the chest for a Hidden One Outfit upgrade schematic.
How to get the Al-Jahiz’s House Gear Chest
This chest in the Round City’s western sector is gated by a puzzle, rather than actual guards. The door to Al-Jahiz’s house is barred, but there’s a weak point on the roof that you can exploit with an explosion.
There’s an oil jar just behind the house to the north. Grab that, and walk along the wooden beams around the house’s side until you’re outside the front door.
Lob the oil jar up. I had a slightly bizarre situation where the jar didn’t break, so if that happens to you as well, just climb up and break the jar manually. Drop down inside Al-Jahiz’s house, and grab your loot — another Hidden One Outfit upgrade schematic for me.
For more Assassin’s Creed Mirage collectibles, consult our guides on finding Mysterious Shards, Enigmas, Dervis’ Artifacts, and Lost Books. You can also take note of how long it takes to complete everything in Assassin’s Creed Mirage.