Dumpster pearls are an odd resource you might find in Pacific Drive. They might come out of dumpsters, but you’ll also find them in wrecked cars, pneumatic tubes, or even just crates. But you can’t do anything with them until you can destroy them, and that requires a new workbench in the auto shop.
Our Pacific Drive guide will walk you through what dumpster pearls are and tell you how to open them.
What are dumpster pearls in Pacific Drive
While you’re out in the Zone collecting resources, you might happen across a dumpster pearl. These are hard, bulbous rock-like things that you can’t actually do anything with. In your inventory, they have a seashell icon and take up six slots.
What they really are is a whole lot of highly compressed resources compacted into a “pearl.” You can’t get them open with hand tools, though.
How to open dumpster pearls in Pacific Drive
At the auto shop’s fabrication station, the first node you unlock is the matter deconstructor (it has to be the first node since all the rest branch off of it). When you place it in the workshop, it’s the ring-shaped machine that lets you turn components back into raw resources.
When you drop a dumpster pearl into the matter decontructor, it’ll spit out a lot of raw resources. Almost anything can be inside, from chemicals to bulbs to scrap metal to hand tools.
For more Pacific Drive guides, here’s how to get chemicals, how to get copper wire, and how to expand your inventory.